Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Detroit to Dover

Friends and family, My flight from Detroit to London went well, and somehow I've found my way into Dover, England.  I have stumbled across an internet cafe after aimlessly wondering it's aged, cobble-stoned streets.  It is quite beautiful.  There is a large castle up on the hillside that I think I'm going to try to walk to.  (Dover Castle)

I can't write much, as I'm paying for internet by the half hour.  You're looking at a picture of the English coastline at Dover for the ferry that took me to Calais, France.  Up on the hill, on the left side, you can kind of see Dover castle on top of the glorious white cliffs.


Katie Free said...

you should pretend your first name is Ben while you are in Dover....

Aaron said...

Hope you're having a good time buddy. Get some pictures up as soon as you can!

Unknown said...

I got your message, so let me know how your doing often -dad